We’re a Company That …

Serves the market in a way that nobody has ever seen before. In 2014, Brandon Northwick, the founder of Northwicks Consulting, tried to hire a company to help him market his first business, and they did nothing as they promised.

So Brandon went to another company and then another. They all gave the same pitch and then did not deliver. Along with the poor levels of communication and low service standards, there was not one company that could help build everything he needed all under one roof.

Each company was outsourcing to other companies, sending invoices after revisions were being made, holding assets hostage, and never hitting the deadlines agreed to.

That’s when Northwicks Consulting was born.

High Performance. High Accountability.

That’s our company philosophy. We pride ourselves on delivering everything as promised every time. So much so that we offer a 180-day performance guarantee on all systems we create. No other company offers service insurance for free. We can do that successfully because we don’t focus on one thing.

We handle everything that drives revenue. Traffic, websites, copywriting, automations, margins, scalability, negotiations, closing tactics, and marketing on every media platform available.

If you’re looking for a company to take responsibility for your past failures and bad decisions, we are not that. We will hold you accountable for the level of growth that you want for your company while providing top-level service that guarantees sales opportunities and precision acquisition.

We’re not your typical marketing agency. At Northwicks Consulting, we pay close attention to your sales process, margins, and the inner working of your fulfillment so you can see a return from your marketing.