ER Katy Case Study

Local Business Case Study: Local Emergency Room Client, ER Katy, was referred to Northwicks Consulting to help bring in more inbound patients through paid advertising on multiple media platforms. 

ER Katy was already an established brand and had support from their community before becoming a client, but they needed to see the consistency and month-over-month growth. 

We introduced ER Katy to our proven VPC Method, and within 30 days, the numbers were increasing. Within four months, Northwicks Consulting had nearly doubled the year before with new patients.

The Before: ER Katy was experiencing inconsistent traffic and did not have any analytics, tracking, reports, or updated marketing campaigns. This led to an average of only 15% of all patients crediting Google ads regarding how they found ER Katy. In addition, the owners at ER Katy could not identify the most searched services or the language their market used to find them.

The After: Now, more than 33% of all patients credit Google ads as to how they found ER Katy, and have a trackable system in place that proves each individual service being promoted has increased patient intake to an average of 7.7 new patients per day, with some days being as high as 13 new patients!

How did Northwicks Consulting get these results?

We started by analyzing current website traffic, the search queries, and ER Katy’s patient intake process. Northwicks Consulting then put together a custom marketing strategy that delivered the perfect service to those searching at that time for that service.

We removed the overwhelming message of “here’s everything we offer” to a simplified, service-by-service approach. We also began running Google display ads, Facebook ads, and Instagram ads. Resulting in more than doubling their traffic and creating a more consistent patient intake process.


Journey To Wellness